Sunday, September 27, 2020

1] Local variable 2] Globle variable 3] Calling function 4]Called function 5] Actual argument f] Formal argument.

 1] Local variable:

▪️ A variable that is declared within the function , it is called local variable.

▪️ The scope of local variable can be accessible only from within the function in which it is declared.

▪️ Local variable can accessible only from within the function in which it is declared.

2] Global variable:

▪️ A variable that is declared outside of all the functions, it is called global variable.

▪️ The scope of variable is whole the program. In other words, it can be used in any function of the program.

▪️ Global variable can be accessible from all the function of the program.

3] calling function:

▪️ A function that has a statement to call another function, is called calling function.

▪️ Control of program is transferred to the call function,after executing all it's statements, the program control is sent back to the calling function.

4] called function:

▪️ Function that has been called from another function is known as called function.

▪️ program control is transferred from the calling function to the called function, after executing all it's statements, the control is sent back to the calling function.

5] Actual argument:

▪️ When we pass argument at the time of calling of function, these arguments are known as actual arguments.

▪️ Values of actual argument at the copied in to formal arguments.

▪️ We can also transfer the address of actual arguments to the format arguments,if the formal arguments are pointer variable.

6] Formal argument:

▪️ The arguments that will collect the values/addresses of actual arguments are called formal arguments.

▪️ Formal arguments are defined within the function defination, in function header.

▪️ There should be match the actual and formal arguments in number, type,and sequence.

▪️ consider the following example:


void display(int);

int p;

void main( )


     int a = 15;

     p = 10;

     printf("Global variable = %d",p);

     printf("Local variable = %d",a);

     p = 20;



void display (int x)

     int y = 100;

    printf("Global variable=%d,p);

    printf("Formal argument of display=%d",x)

    printf(Local variable of display=%d",y);



Global variable=10

Local variable of main=15

Global variable=20

Formal argument of display=15

Local variable of display=100

1 comment:

Object Paradigm Oriented Programming in C++ / object oriented programming / History of C++/ paradiagram in c++/C devolop, Operating System, Unix operating system, Assembly language, popular in world, Programming language.

  Object Paradigm Oriented Programming  Two programmers, Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie developed a new language called C, in 1972.  C l...