Sunday, October 4, 2020

Computer graphics with advantages in c-programming

 Computer Graphics :

▪️ Computer graphics are graphics created using computer and, more generally, the repetation and manipulation of image data by computer with help from specialized software and hardware.

▪️ Term computer ghraphics include everything on computers that is not text or sound.

▪️ Torbo C has a good collection of graphics librarities. If you know the basics of C, you can easily learn graphics programming.

Modes Of Computer Graphics :

▪️ Many video adapters support several different modes of resolution, all of which are divided into two categories.

• Caracter mode 

• Graphics mode

▪️ Of the two modes, graphics mode is the more sophisticated. Programs than run in graphics mode can display an unlimited varity of shape and founts.

▪️ Whears program running in character mode are severaly limited.

▪️ Programs that runs entirely in graphics mode are called graphics-based programs.

▪️ In character mode, the display screen in treatedas an array of blocks, each of which can hold one ASCII character.

▪️ In graphics mode, the display screen is treated as an array of pixels characters and other shapes are formed by turning on on combinations of fixels.

Advantages of computer graphics :

▪️ The development of computer graphics has made computers easier to interact with, and better for understanding and interpreting many types of data.

▪️ Developments in computer graphics have had a profound impacton many types of media and have revolutionized animation,movies and the video game industry.

▪️ computer graphic design can offer you a variety of career options.

Friday, October 2, 2020

Explain structure and union

Structure :

▪️ Structure is the collection of non homogeneous data elements.

▪️ Each data element has it's own storage area in memory.

▪️ The size allocated to store the structure, in the memory, is the sum of memory required to store all the elements.

▪️ All elements can be access any time.

▪️ "struct" keyword is used to defin and declared structure format and it's variable.

▪️ Variable declare within struct is called as structure member and name of the structure is called as structure tag.

▪️ Structure member can not be initialized within the structure defination.

▪️ All elements of structure variable can be initialized at the time of declaration.

▪️ Defination of structure

struct  student
     char name[10];
     int roll_no;
     float per;

Union :

▪️ Union is also the collection of non homogeneous data elements.

▪️ All the data elements share the same memory location.

▪️ Size required to store union is the same as tge size required to store the element of the largest variable type in union.

▪️ One element can be accessed at a time.

▪️ "union" key word is used to defineand declared union format and it's variable.

▪️ Variable declated within union is known as union member and namecof union is called as union tag .

▪️ Union member can not be initialized within the union defination .

▪️ only first element of union variable can be initialized at the time of declaration.

▪️ Definition of union

union student
    char name[10];
     int roll_no;
     float per;

Object Paradigm Oriented Programming in C++ / object oriented programming / History of C++/ paradiagram in c++/C devolop, Operating System, Unix operating system, Assembly language, popular in world, Programming language.

  Object Paradigm Oriented Programming  Two programmers, Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie developed a new language called C, in 1972.  C l...